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let's cook together
We learn better while doing something tangible and fun.
If you like both French language and cuisine, cooking in French should be perfect for you!
Join Adèle, the French teacher and Chef Corvez, her dad, for a thrilling cooking experience!
Next class
11:00 am PDT
8:00 pm in France
1.5h class
$30 per connexion
You can cook with friends!
Tarte au citron
Prochaine classe
À définir
11h00 à San Francisco
20h00 à Paris
Classe de 1h30
30$ par connection
Vous pouvez cuisiner à plusieurs.
Get the details
Click here to download the recipe and list of ingredients.
Sign-up / Inscription
The time zone doesn't work for you?
Can't make it on Saturday?
Sign-up to get the recording
after class and cook at your convenience!
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